Not all of the fields may be available to import. Note: this are the field names Outlook exports. When you are done linking the field names, click Ok then click Finish to complete the Import. Drop it on the highlighted Outlook field name. If a field should have a match in your CSV file but the Mapped From column on the right is blank, locate the field name that your field uses (on the left) and drag it to the Outlook field name on the right. In this screenshot, Company, Department, and Job Title fields are correctly mapped. In the Map Custom Fields dialog, check the field names on the right. Later, you can import CSV contacts from Outlook to iPhone with similar steps mentioned above. Map your CSV file columns to Outlook contact if necessary. Remember to mark the checkbox before Import ‘M圜ontacts.csv’. Follow the on-screen wizard to import CSV contacts to Outlook. On the last page, before clicking Finish, click the Map Custom Fields button. Click Comma Separated values and Next options. Once you get into the Import/Export wizard, the screens look the same for all versions of Outlook. In Outlook 2007 and older, look for Import/Export on the File menu. In Outlook 2010, It's File, Open, Open and Import. In Outlook 2013, go to File, Open & Export, Import/Export. I recommend using CSV files so you don’t have to mess with named ranges. If a field or record falls outside of the named range, it won’t import.
When you import Excel files (.xls), you need to use named ranges. You have two choices: change the field names in the CSV so they match Outlook's (a list of Outlook field names is at the end) or map your field name to the corresponding field name in Outlook. It's a sure bet that your file does not use ‘E-mail Address’ for the email address field. Open the CSV file in Notepad or Excel and look at the field names at the top of the file. In most cases, if the field names aren't the same as Outlook uses, you need to tell Outlook which fields to match. If it can't match the fields, it won’t import them. When Outlook imports, the fields names in your file need to match Outlook’s field names. That the addresses aren't importing but the names are tells me that Outlook didn't import the addresses because the field names in your CSV don't match with the field names in Outlook. Outlook will import the names, but not the email addresses.

I’ve attempted several times to import my address list without any success.